Edit User Defined Fields
(Deluxe version only) The ability to define your own fields is perhaps the coolest feature in RunLog DELUXE. You can define any field you want to track. For example: heart rate, who you ran with, the weather, body weight, etc. Anything you want to track, you can define! What's more: Any numeric field you define can be graphed on the Graph window. What is a User Defined Field? A field is a place where information is stored about a given run. For example, the distance of a run is stored in a field. In RunLog, there are fields defined for you to store information. Distance, time, pace, run name, and comment are all defined for you. RunLog gives you the ability to define your own fields to track. A User Defined Field is a field that you define. You define the name of the field, the type of data that it will hold (if it can only hold numbers, or if it can hold letters & numbers), the size of the field, and the order that you want it to appear on the Run Entry window. That's right, the fields that you define are automatically added to the bottom of the Run Entry Window! Sound complicated? Its not! RunLog gives you an easy interface for defining your own fields. RunLog even gives you some pre-defined fields you can choose from. To edit a field, simply click the Edit button. To add a new field, click the New button. The Edit User Defined Field window (below) pops up for you to edit your field. Whatever you type in the "Field Name" field is what is displayed on the Run Entry window. |