RunLog Awards
The following are excerpts from emails sent to Pegasus Software: I have tried ALL the log programs, and yours is without question the best, best meaning
the ease of use, features, tracking shoes (only a runner would understand this), etc, etc. To start, let me congratulate you on some great running software. I've tried the
others, and your software blows the others off the road. Nice work! I love RunLog! I've been using it for a year and find it simple to use, intuitive to input and view, and a helpful format for tracking my running. John Rogers Wanted to let you know that you've really done a great job with Runlog Deluxe. I've used The Athletes Diary for quite awhile, however they haven't updated it to take advantage of WIN95. You've included features that I've wanted all along in the other program, while matching (actually surpassing) the simplicity and ease of data entry that are so important to a good run log. Great job. Tom Weber I coach a squad of elite athletes including the current National English Cross Country Champion and I have found your software to be the best of all of them. I now find it indespensible for keeping my runners records. Lindsay Dunn I found your program easy to install and to use. The test of any program is the ability to use it without opening the manual. Your program passed this test easily. Great format easy to understand and very logical. Enough of the good stuff. Actually there is no bad stuff. Good job!! Keep up the good work! Please keep me apprised of any upgrades. I have registered my copy. Thanks, A grateful and happy customer, Mike Stratton I am very impressed with RunLog. I have been using it for several days now, and it is all I've ever wanted to see in a running log. I've checked out <XXX> and the others, and have only been confused with all the variables. RunLog is straightforward, very user friendly, and keeps the info organized very neatly. Now, armed with the 800 number, I'll be calling with my order. Thank you very much! Charlie Kline I have just downloaded your demo version of RunLog and was really impressed with your work. After looking at it for a while I decided to purchase a copy, so thank you very much for your efforts! RunLog does about everything I would ever want a log program to do in a very simple and easy to use fashion. Jorge Arroyo I looked at some demos-- Log-A-Jog, The Athlete's Diary, Run Don't Walk... RunLog is by
far the best translation of the traditional running diary to the computer. I've used Running software a lot recently and yours beats them all! Congratulations! Daniel Brewer - President - Oregon Road Runners This is a nice compact, simple to use program. You were right! I have yet to read the manual which I am rebelling against after setting my running log up on Excel last time! Thanks for a nice package. Sincerely, Jim Hoppe I've just finished my search and decided to go with 'RunLog Deluxe' from Pegasus Software. I like RunLog primarily for its simple uncluttered user interface, yet powerful tracking and graphing abilities. The customizable user fields allow you to track almost anything that isn't already built into the program. Martin Donkers - responding to an internet newsgroup question regarding running logs. I downloaded the trial version of RunLog Deluxe 2.0, and have been playing with it for the past day or so. The product is great, and I can't wait to receive the registered version. Great new product, Mike! Thank you so much. Many so-called upgrades are just more of the same with a few more bells and whistles. Your upgrade is a substantially new and better product. Thanks. John Keller |