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RunLog Graphics

Here are some graphics if you would like to put a link to RunLog on your web page.  Just right-click on a graphic and choose "Save As" to save it to your local computer.  

Click here to see RunLog User Websites with links to RunLog
Let Pegasus Software know if you have a link to RunLog on your website.

RunLog GIF 100x50 (1kb)
RunLog.gif (1326 bytes)

RunLog GIF 100x50 (1kb)
RUNLOG.gif (1416 bytes)

RunLog Button GIF 75x75 (4kb)
runlog75.gif (3632 bytes)

RunLog Animated Banner GIF 468x60 (7kb)
RunLogBanner.gif (16108 bytes)

RunLog box GIF 120x146 (2kb)
RunLogBox.gif (2521 bytes)

RunLog Animated GIF 130x130 (3kb)
RunLogLarge.gif (14078 bytes)

RunLog GIF 200x36 (2kb)
RunLogWide.gif (1681 bytes)

RunLog Animated GIF 200x36 (2kb)
RunLogWideFlash.gif (2435 bytes)

RunLog Yellow GIF 120x60 (2kb)
RunLogYellow.gif (1850 bytes)

RunLog Yellow GIF 200x36 (2kb)
RunLogYellowWide.gif (1875 bytes)

RunLog Button GIF 83x70 (9kb)
RunLogButton.gif (9284 bytes)

RunLog World GIF (69kb)
RunlogWorld.gif (70810 bytes)

PegasusSoftware World GIF (57kb)
PegasusWorld.gif (58184 bytes)